Our crews have been working very hard to prepare the new cultural site for the August reception of guests from many other Nations.
Right now, the teams are focusing on leveling the terrain to be as smooth as possible, diverting and accommodating water flow, and building the cabins.

Kawawachikamach is growing!
A new foundation pit is just about finished, and soon, this area will have a new street, several duplexes, and a triplex.
We are very grateful for those that work so hard to make sure this work is done well.

As Kawawachikamach grows, so do our water needs.
That’s why we’re building a brand new reservoir near the Pump House next to the Softball Field.
This new reservoir will double our current capacity, protecting us against outages and ensuring we meet the community’s water needs.
This new reservoir will be gravity-fed, eliminating the need for a pump, and greatly reducing the chances of filter clogs as well.