We, the Naskapi people have occupied the land of what is now northern Quebec and Labrador since time immemorial. Our ancestors were nomads, living off the land and following the caribou herds on which they depended for resources. In the 1950s, our way of life changed when most of the Naskapi people moved from Fort Chimo to the Schefferville region. The move to our actual location of Kawawachikamach took place in the early 1980s.
The Naskapi Band of Québec was created in 1984 by the Naskapi Act, making us and Cree communities the first self-governing bands in Canada. Our name changed to the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach in 1999. The Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach has the mandate, through its council and employees, to govern, manage, offer services to its members and promote development while preserving a unique culture and language. Our history is an important part of our identity and we must continually work on preserving our culture by practicing it and ensuring that we pass it down to our future generations.
Chief & Council:
Training and Employment, Emergency Preparedness, Culture & Language
A unique Nation proudly working together towards autonomy, prosperity and cultural longevity.
Empowering our Nation by providing services and opportunities to our members, building capacity through education, language, culture and leadership for a brighter future.
- Respect
- Well-being
- Accountability
- Resiliency
- Empowerment
Naskapi Self-Government
The NNK is currently in negotiations with Canada in creating our own self-governance agreement and to be a fully self-governing Nation. Technically, we are considered self-governing under the Naskapi Act, but this is a system that was imposed on the Naskapi Nation and not one that was created in the best interest of the Naskapi people. We have the opportunity to create something that is meant for us and most importantly created by the Naskapi people. The Naskapi people have evolved through many drastic changes since contact. We have lost many of our traditional ways of being and knowing but together, we can bring back our traditions.
The Naskapi Nation will need the Naskapi’s input and involvement in creating our constitution and practicing our right to self-determination. There is still a lot of work to be done but it is important work. For more information on Naskapi Self-Governance and to be part of this initiative, please visit NNK SELF GOVERNANCE ENGAGEMENT
Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach Office
Stella Pien
Director General
Edward Shecanapish
Band Treasurer
Annie Nattawappio
Travel Coordinator
Trisha Bacon
Special Projects Coordinator
Willie Swappie
Social Assistance Program Administrator
Louise J. Mameanskum
Director of Office operations
Maggie Swappie
Accounts Payable
Melissa Peastitute
Accounts Payable Assistant
Mary Guanish
Martha Sandy
Donna Marie Sandy
Communications Officer
Lazarus Swappie
Justice Coordinator
Jessica Chemaganish
Naskapi Relief Services Coordinator
George Guanish
Naskapi Translator
Louise M. Mameanskum
Naskapi Training Officer
Jimmy Shecanapish
Business and Economic Development Officer
Minnie Chemaganish
Outreach Officer
Caroline Einish
Community Engagement Coordinator
Chief and Council
The Naskapi Nation Organizational Chart