What’s Changing?
In preparation for the 2024 general election, Council is proposing the following updates to the Naskapi Nation’s Electoral By-Law:
- Separate Ballot for Deputy Chief Election: A dedicated ballot for electing the Deputy Chief to ensure that the Naskapi electors can vote for their preferred candidates for both Chief and Deputy Chief positions.
- Full-Time Employment Positions for the Chief and Deputy Chief: to address the increasing scope and complexity of political and socio-economic initiatives of the Nation
- Council Composition Increase from six to seven members: for the same reason stated in (2) above.
- Ballot: The current by-law allows for only an “X” to be placed on a ballot, which can lead to the rejection of a vote if a different mark is used. It is proposed to update the by-law by allowing “any mark” on the ballot rather than just an “X”
- Electronic voting: To make voting more accessible to Naskapi electors, electronic voting systems could be used as an alternative to early voting and traveling polls, where it is feasible and appropriate.
It is also planned to make further, more substantial, improvements to our electoral system following the 2024 general election through the Naskapi Constitution, which is being developed by the Naskapi Constitutional Committee and the community at large.
We need vour input on these proposed changes. They will be presented and discussed at the Annual General Meeting (« AGM”) of the Naskapi Nation in September 2023. After consideration of the feedback received, it is anticipated that a referendum will be held in October or early November 2023 to seek the approval of the Naskapi Electors.