
ᐛᒋᔭ, on behalf of the Naskapi Nation, we are pleased to present the Annual Report for 2022-2023. The year has brought about many changes to the Naskapi Nation including the signing of the IOC IBA on January 31st, 2023, which also marked the 45th year anniversary since the signing of the NEQA.
The year has brought in many new employees to the Nation and the creation of new departments in order to best serve the growing population of our Community. We continue to find ways to work effectively and efficiently by creating new policies and procedures, and by bridging together departments to work collaboratively on projects and/or events. We are on a journey to create more opportunities for the community and to provide better services to the community.
Stella Pien
Director General

In the 2022-2023 year, the administration office of the Naskapi Nation employed over 20 employees, providing support to the administrative staff, and various community services such as the Social Assistance Program, Membership, Outreach, and Justice Support.
Social Assistance Program provided support for approximately 170 recipients/month in the community and with the additional support from the federal government due to inflation, the recipients received extra support throughout the year, including food baskets, meat boxes, and mid-month “bonuses” for inflationary costs. The membership, outreach, and justice also provided ongoing support to community members needing Status Cards, applications for EI or birth certificates, and members needing judicial support.
With the support of the Chief and Council, capacity building and mental health has been the main priority for the Administration and Management staff of the Nation. Employees were provided support to attend wellness retreats to promote mental well-being.

In 2022-2023, the Chief & Council were on their second-year mandate and worked on various projects, including another milestone for the Nation, the IOC IBA negotiations which were finally signed on January 31, 2023.
Organizational Chart

Human Resources
The Human Resources (HR) Department in the Naskapi Nation is responsible for providing HR services to the various departments within the Nation, such as HR procedure and policy administration, employee relations, and recruitment and onboarding.
The Nation is looking for a team player, with a positive attitude, who enjoys working with people to support the HR department to meet the needs of the community and administration by developing the necessary procedures and policies needed to ensure a sustainable, productive, and positive working environment.
- Maintain up-to-date employee files and records
- Update job descriptions and job postings as required
- Maintain job postings board and Facebook page
- Support new employee onboarding
- Provide support and guidance to
- manager and employees to ensure effective
- implementation of the Personnel Policy
- Communicate with Naskapi Radio for announcements
- Draft briefing documents and reports
- Support with updating and developing HR procedures and policies
- Present new policies and policy refreshers to Nation managers and employees
- Support managers with identifying and evaluating training and capacity development needs
- Assist with the development of HR communication materials
- Assist the Payroll with duties as required
- Any other relevant tasks as required
What is HR up to
- Reviewing Personnel Policy with Managers
- Personnel Policy Update to Code
- Job Descriptions Reviews and revision
- Organizational Chart update
- Compensation Review process
- Workplace Assessments
- Capacity-Building Opportunities for Employees
- Employee Appreciation Activities
New Staff
In October, we posted for a Human Resource Office Assistant and hired Leona Pien

New Hires
- Johnny Mameanskum – Interim Director General (September to June 2022)
- Billy Shecanapish – Environmental Coordinator (hired January 2023)
- Michel Bacon – Mining Liaison Officer (hired March 2023)
- Louise Shecanapish – Cultural Coordinator (hired January 2023)
- Jimmy Peter Einish – Men’s Shelter Coordinator (Contract-based hired October 2022)
- Vanna Kerri Einish – Membership Clerk (hired 2022)
- Ashley Guanish – Human Resource Coordinator (hired January 2023)
- Elena Ashini-Pien – Special Projects Coordinator Replacement (Contract-based)

Joyce Lake Project
Joyce Direct Iron Inc. owned by Century Global continues to pursue the Joyce Lake Direct Shipping Iron Ore Project (the “Project”). The Project is subject to the environmental impact assessment procedures of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador (“GNL”), and of the Government of Canada, through the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (“IAAC”).
In September 2021, the Naskapi people publicly announced that they do not support the advancement of this Project, given its short duration and extremely sensitive location, and that its impacts would be felt directly and indirectly by the Nation, its members, and its future members. Despite the Nation’s lack of support for the Project, it will still undergo federal and provincial environmental impact assessment procedures and the Nation will continue to review the documentation associated with these processes. In Winter 2022, the IAAC submitted to the Nation for review and comment the draft version of the Project’s environmental impact statement (“EIS”). On February 22, 2022, the Nation submitted to the IAAC and the GNL over 35 pages of comments, whereby the Nation emphasized that the proposed Project would be extremely environmentally destructive, and it would significantly impact Naskapi lives, culture, and Aboriginal rights.
In September 2022, the Nation submitted the following documents to Joyce Direct Iron Inc.:
a Pre-Development Agreement to set some terms and conditions before advancing through any of the Project stages. Negotiations did not commence.
a Contribution Agreement to cover the costs associated with undertaking a Naskapi-led Indigenous Knowledge and Land Use Study, followed by a Naskapi Impact Assessment, to better understand the potential impacts of the Project on Naskapi Aboriginal rights and values. Negotiations commenced but only concerning the work plan and budget.

Naskapi Wildlife Protection Assistants: Agreement 2022-2025
The funding agreement for the Naskapi Wildlife Protection Assistants (“WPA”) officially ended on March 31, 2022, but funding was provided until October 31, 2022. In Winter 2022-23, Mr. Billy Moffat and Ms. Lindsay Richardson negotiated with the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (“MELCCFP”) to renew and increase the funding.
On March 28, 2023, Chief Theresa Chemaganish signed the Subsidy Grant Agreement with the MELCCFP, to cover the costs associated with the WPAs, in the amount of $1,461,550 for the period from April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2025, broken down as follows: $421,300 (22-23), $516,000 (23-24), and $524,250 (25-26).

Protection of the Cambrian Lake / ᓇᒋᒐᐸᐤ (Nachicapau) Lake / Waskaikinis Sector
The Cambrian Lake / Nachicapau Lake / Waskaikinis sector (the “Sector”), covering a total area of 5,740 km², boasts an exceptional diversity of ecosystems and is situated within the heart of the traditional territory of the Nation.
Preserving this area has been a longstanding priority for the Nation. Consequently, in 2018, the Nation with the Kativik Regional Government, Makivvik, Hydro-Québec, and the Government of Quebec, signed an agreement to conserve this sector. The agreement is for a period of 20 years and, among others:
- prohibits mining activity in the Cambrian Lake subsector.
- prevents hydroelectric power development projects in the sector.
- sets the goal of creating a State reserve in the Nachicapau subsector; and
- sets the goal to identifying possible alternatives to hydroelectric development in the area to protect the Cambrian Lake subsector.
To implement the last two items, two subcommittees were formed in the 2020-21 fiscal year by the parties to the agreement. Their work has made progress throughout the 2022-23 fiscal year.
Furthermore, in August/September 2022, a field campaign was undertaken in the Sector, which included archaeological, botanical, wildlife, and quaternary geological studies. The objective of the campaign was to continue gathering information to obtain a global portrait and detailed scientific information of the Sector’s natural and cultural heritage. This has aided in the discovery and documentation of important elements for preservation in the Sector for future generations as well as to help guide conservation strategies.

In pursuit of reconciliation and self-determination, Canada and the Nation established a Recognition of Indigenous Rights and Self-Determination discussion table (the “RIRSD Table”) in 2019.
Subsequently, in August 2020, both parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Advancing Reconciliation and Self-Determination (the “MoU”) to define, among other things, priorities addressed by the RIRSD Table. As part of the priorities outlined in the MoU, the Nation and Canada have been co-developing a Naskapi Self-Government Agreement (“SGA”) since 2020. The SGA will empower the Nation to develop and adopt its own constitution and laws for the responsibilities within its jurisdiction. The co-development process of the SGA is advancing well, and both parties are dedicated to the process and work.
Concurrently with the development of the SGA, a Constitutional Committee composed of members of the Nation was established. Since October 2020, the Constitutional Committee has been holding monthly meetings to initiate the drafting of the various components of the Constitution. As their work advances, the Constitutional Committee will present the different components of a possible Constitution to the community for review and feedback.
Once the Constitution is finalized, a referendum will be held to seek the approval of Naskapi Electors. If approved, the Constitution would become the legal foundation of the Nation’s organization and functioning.
Find out more at

Environmental Regimes on ᓄᒋᒥᔪᔅᒋᔾ (Nuchimiyuschiiy)
In 2017, the Nation filed a lawsuit primarily seeking a declaratory judgment to the effect that the Environmental Quality Act (the “EQA”) should be amended to meet the constitutional obligations of the Governments of Quebec and the Government of Canada to consult the Nation directly, sufficiently, and adequately.
The legal proceeding stems from the existence of outdated environmental regimes on Nuchimiyuschiiy, both north and south of the 55th parallel in Québec. As it is, the regimes prevent the Nation from fully taking part in decisions that affect their rights. The Nation strongly believes that it is time to adjust these regimes so that they finally reflect the up-to-date and imperative constitutional framework.
In this regard, with the hope of finding amicable solutions to the constitutional grievances raised by the legal proceeding, in June 2022, the Nation formally requested to establish a table with the Government of Québec to discuss and negotiate, among other matters, the following elements:
The recognition of the Nation’s right to be directly, sufficiently, and adequately involved in the decision-making process prior to any project or decision that may have an impact on Nuchimiyuschiiy.
The development of an environmental regime to implement this right.
The negotiation of amendments to section 14 of the Northeastern Québec Agreement (“NEQA”) and section 23 of the James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement (“JBNQA”) reflecting the updated environmental regime.
In response, the Government of Québec proposed to establish an exploratory table that would, for the time being, favor administration solutions. The Nation agreed to participate in the exploratory table. However, the Nation is also maintaining its lawsuit to seek a declaratory judgment, as the Government of Québec is not ready to discuss amendments to section 14 of the NEQA and section 23 of the JBNQA and/or to the EQA.

ᐊᑲᓄᐤ (Aganow) Agreement
After over two years of negotiations, the Nation and IOC-Rio Tinto concluded an Impact and Benefit Agreement (“IBA”) which was named the Aganow Agreement, in reference to how the Elders pronounced ‘Iron Ore’.
The Aganow Agreement includes typical sections of an IBA such as environmental protection, employment, contracting, culture, and financial benefits, but also includes a symbolic statement by IOC:
The Agreement is also an opportunity for IOC to express its regrets with respect to its lack of understanding of the NNK historic reality, culture, and livelihood, including in the context of IOC’s decision to close the mine in the Schefferville area and its relationship with Naskapi employees.
From a financial perspective, the Aganow Agreement included an initial lump sum payment and will provide the Nation with over $2M per year, most of which will be invested in the Taasipitaakin Trust for future generations.
The Aganow Agreement was presented to the community at a special general meeting held on November 29th, 2022, where it was unanimously approved. The Agreement was executed on Naskapi Nation Day (31 January 2023) with almost every elder of the community present.

Naskapi Mining and Constitutional and Engagement Policies
In 2021, funding was obtained from the Société du Plan Nord and the Secrétariat aux relations avec les Premières Nations et les Inuit for the project entitled Capacity to Act Collectively: Development of Naskapi Policies.
The project aimed to elaborate a Naskapi Nation Mining Policy and a Naskapi Nation Consultation and Engagement Policy to:
- Promote transparency and good communications between the Nation and governments, proponents, and other third parties.
- Set clear guidelines and expectations on how to achieve meaningful consultation and engagement with the Nation and the Naskapi people.
- Establish the Nation’s expectations regarding mining development.
The policies were finalized in March 2023 and are now available at the Nation Office.

Labrador Land Claim
In early 2022-23, the Council decided to reinitiate the Nation’s land claim in Labrador. The first step of the very long process is to submit a Statement of Claim, which describes and documents the Nation’s claim from a variety of perspectives (i.e., ethnohistorical, anthropological, archeological, caribou distribution, and other legal perspectives.)
The Nation’s Statement of Claim, which should be completed in early 2024, is based on a non-exclusive use of the territory, or in other words, shared with the Innu of Labrador.

Menihek Business Plan
The Nation has commissioned a thorough Business Plan for the Menihek Hydroelectric Dam to evaluate the opportunity of acquiring an equity stake (partial ownership). The Business Plan includes a preliminary due diligence, an assessment and forecast of production capacity and regional demand for electricity, financial projections, and a risk assessment.
Even partial ownership of Menihek would reinforce the Nation’s position as a key player in the regional economy and would be a natural progression since Kawawachikamach Energy Services Inc. has already been operating the dam for nearly 20 years.
The Business Plan should be completed by the end of 2023.

ᐃᔅᑯᑕᐤ (Ishkutau) Wind Project – Pre-Feasibility Study
Following announcements by the Government of Québec that it must increase production of electricity by over 50% of its current capacity within the next 15 years, the Nation quickly took a position against hydroelectric development on Naskapi Territory and that it had to be involved in, or be the leader of, any wind development project.
As a first step, the Council commissioned a Pre-Feasibility Study to better understand the potential of two projects located around the Caniapiscau Reservoir. A community consultation was held in June 2023, and many Elders attended and shared their insight. The key takeaways were to keep the community very well informed at every step and to ensure that benefits are real, and not just on paper.

ᑕᓯᐱᑕᑭᓐ (Taasipitaakin) Trust
The Council decided to establish a Trust for the benefit of future generations. The Taasipitaakin Trust was established after the end of the fiscal year under review, in September 2023. The Trust will be governed by a Board of Trustees, which will adopt an Investment Policy and ensure the funds are administered and invested properly.
To ensure that funds are not spent too quickly, only 10% of the accumulated capital can be returned to the Nation every year. Although the Nation is the sole beneficiary, funds may be transferred by the Nation (at its discretion) to other organizations for projects that benefit the community.
Initially, the Nation will invest the lump sum it received from IOC following the signing of the Aganow Agreement, and the Nation will also transfer all Royalties received from mining operations.

Mining Exploration – Pre-Development Agreements
In conjunction with the Naskapi Mining Policy, the Nation has developed a framework for Pre-Development Agreements (“PDA”) with mining exploration companies that have reached more advanced stages of development.
Draft PDAs have been submitted to numerous companies, including Century Global Commodities, Commerce Resources, Imperial Mining, Torngat Metals (23-24), and Metal Quest Mining (23-24). Significant progress has been made with many companies and it is expected that several PDAs will be concluded in 23-24.

Community Boardwalk
The Nation developed a Community Landscape Plan in 2014, which included a series of trails and boardwalks connecting various community sectors.
In 2022-23, the Nation applied for and obtained funding from Economic Development Canada to offset the costs of developing a master plan for a Boardwalk and trails to Lake Hanas as well as plans and specifications for a first phase to be built in 2023 and 2024.
The Nation selected CCxA as the Landscape Architect to develop the plans.

Sichuun was established in 2019 as a limited partnership between the Nation, the Nation Innu Matimekush-Lac John (“NIMLJ”), and Innu Takuaikan Uashat mak Mani-utenam (“ITUM”). The Nation owns a majority of Sichuun’s shares at 53%, NIMLJ is the next largest shareholder at 30.25% followed by ITUM at 16.75%.
In the fiscal year under review, Sichuun continued to offer fiber-based triple-play services in the Region comprising high-speed Internet, television, and telephone. Sichuun continued providing IT support services to the Region’s organizations, and it also continued the development of its LTE mobility platform in anticipation of a public launch in the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
Sichuun had nine full-time permanent employees in 2022-2023. It also hired three students during the summer months to provide them with valuable on-the-job training in telecommunications operations.

Sachidun Childcare Centre
In the fiscal year under review, the Board of Sachidun comprised Michell Losier (President), Alexandre Castonguay (Vide-President), Stella Pien (Secretary), Gabriel Losier (Treasurer), Aben Mokoush (Director), Trisha Bacon (Director), and Ashley Guanish (Director).
New building extension
In 2021, the Ministry of Family (“MFA”) granted Sachidun the authorization to open 35 new childcare spots. During the same year, Sachidun secured a funding envelope of $2 Million to construct the extension. However, due to inflation, the funding provided by the MFA in 2023 was insufficient to cover the construction costs. With the support of the Nation and the MFA, Sachidun was able to increase the size of the room by 20% and secure the necessary additional funding. The construction is expected to be completed by the end of December 2023, barring any significant construction-related issues.
Early Childhood Educator Training in Kawawachikamach
In September 2022, Sachidun secured funding from the Société du Plan Nord to organize an onsite training program for Early Childhood Educators. The training is currently progressing well, with 12 students still enrolled in the program. It is anticipated that all these students will graduate on December 5, 2023. Additionally, Sachidun is hopeful that those students who are not currently employees at the daycare will consider joining the organization after their graduation.
Five-year action plan for the children from 0 to 6 and their families
In March 2023, Sachidun was mandated by the Council to develop a five-year action plan for children aged 0 to 6 and their families. Following a public consultation held in April 2023, it was recommended to conduct additional consultations to ensure a comprehensive perspective for the action plan. A committee comprised representatives from the daycare, CLSC, NEC, and the Band office. An online survey and consultations specifically with men will be conducted before the end of 2023.
Negotiation table with the MFA
Following an initial letter sent in November 2021 to request the initiation of self-governance agreement discussions with the Ministry of Family, in July 2023, the Chief, Vice-Chief, General Director, and President of the Sachidun’s board met with representatives from the MFA to start the dialogue. After this initial meeting, a follow-up letter was sent in September, urging a prompt resolution to raise the salaries of childcare employees. As for the other aspects of the self-governance agreement, the Nation is currently working on its position paper.

Economic Development
In its second year, the Economic Development Department’s role has grown inside the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach operations. The Department supports the Naskapi population towards economic sustainability through business and partnership creation, employment, training, and capacity-building initiatives. It builds bridges with local industries to improve the community’s quality of life while respecting the Naskapi traditional values.
Economic Development Team

Jimmy Shecanapish, Business and Economic Development Officer
Jimmy has worked for the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach for over 20 years, supporting the population as a membership administrator and land registrar. Looking for new challenges, Jimmy went back to study Business at Canadore College, leading to his new role as Business and Economic Development Officer.
As part of this role and Naskapi representative on the FNQLEDC, Jimmy supports and guides local entrepreneurs who wish to start or upgrade their businesses. He is also in charge of the CEDO, which funds local projects, and is involved in major Economic Development projects.

Louise M. Mameamskum, Training and Employment Officer
Before joining the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach, Louise had been a long-time employee of Tshiuetin, a proudly first-nation-owned and operated company. Louise decided to join the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach because she wanted to help and be involved in her home community.
As a training and employment officer and Naskapi representative for the FNHRDCQ, Louise supports Naskapi people who are looking for professional training, career changes, or employment opportunities. She also works with local partners and industries to promote Naskapi employment. She oversees the NLMB, a fund that financially helps Naskapi people in their studies, training, or capacity-building initiatives.

Thomas Fortin, Economic Development Coordinator
Thomas joined the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach in 2016 as Recreation Coordinator and Arena Manager. With university degrees in politics and development, he was mandated to create an Economic Development Department in 2020.
As Economic Development Coordinator, Thomas is in charge of supervising the Department’s employees and budget, overseeing the implementation of development projects, pursuing new partnerships, corresponding with representatives of the industries and partner companies, and acting as a link between the Department, Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach management, Council and other stakeholders.
Economic Development Highlights

Training and Employment
One of the Department’s main focuses is community training and employment opportunities. The Naskapi Local Management Board (NLMB) is a locally administered fund that provides funding to projects that include training and employment aspects.
In 22-23, the board reviewed and approved 16 different projects that included heavy machinery and class 1 driver training, fiber optics technology training, upper management university programs as well as employment creation inside the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach and the different summer student employment programs. In addition, the Department also works closely with the local industry to connect the Naskapi workforce with employers and continues its work with the operator hiring program with TSMC.

CEDO fund and Business Development
The Community Economic Development Organisation (CEDO) is administered inside the Department. It helps local entrepreneurs who wish to start or grow existing businesses. Led by the business and economic development officer, the CEDO reviewed a dozen projects in 22-23. Entrepreneurs are free to apply for any amount they wish.
Still, the fund is limited to $50,000 annually, and projects that apply for less than $5,000 benefit from an accelerated process. Entrepreneurs can also benefit from guidance from our business officer, who is being trained by the FNQLEDC and has attended a variety of economic development-related events, including the Gathering of Indigenous Peoples on the Social Economy, Grand Economic Circle of Indigenous People of Quebec, and the 2022 Mining the Connections.

Mining industry
The Department is constantly discussing with the many mining companies active in the Naskapi Territory. A significant milestone was reached this year after many years of negotiations, as the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach signed the Aganow IBA agreement with IOC in January 2023.
The agreement includes financial compensations for past wrongdoing and ways to work together moving forward, including employment, environmental concerns, and business development opportunities. Since the signing, the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach set up a Trust fund to ensure the additional funding is safeguarded and invested for future generations.
In addition, an Environment Officer position and a Mining Liaison position were created. These new resources will work closely with the Department and help ensure that mining projects, new and old, respect the Naskapi values and vision for the future.

Major development projects
In addition to day-to-day tasks and population services, the Department works on various Development projects with other Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach departments, advisors, and stakeholders.
In 2023, a business study was completed with positive results for constructing a multi-purpose building in Kawawachikamach that will include residential and commercial units. As most of the funding is already secured, we hope to see the construction completed in 2024. The Nation is also looking into becoming more involved in the green energy transition while investing in economic prosperity for future generations.
To do so, the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach started the process of possibly becoming owners of the Menihek dam, with financial projections and a business plan to be completed in 23-24. We also formed a Wind Energy Working Group to study possible wind energy projects in Naskapi Territory. Over $1 Million in funding was secured to complete feasibility studies and install two wind measurement towers.

Department of Public Works
The Department of Public Work’s mission is to improve the quality of life in Kawawachikamach by supporting the overall longevity and operational effectiveness of our facilities, equipment, buildings, and environment as well as the ongoing development of infrastructure.
Public Works has been busy reconstructing the whole department in collaboration with the Boreala Management Services for approximately 2 years and will continue to improve its services through continuous training and development of its programs.
In order for DPW to accomplish and improve its services, we need to utilize other resources, teamwork, and coordination with other service providers in the community.
Public Work services in divided into 5 sectors divided into subcategories.
Administration Office
- Administrative employees
- Inventory management
- Gas Bar clerks and employees
Housing Maintenance Department
- Housing maintenance
- Public Building Maintenance
Capital works Department
- New Housing Construction
- New Residential Development Sector
- Lot Management
- Management of 5 year Capital plan
Uapenutaw Garage Department
- Fleet management including vehicles and heavy machinery
- Sanitation management
- Roads and walkway maintenance
Wastewater and Water Treatment Plant Department
- Handles all water coming into and going out of the community.
Major Projects
In 2022- 2023, the Nation undertook the following major construction projects.

Naskapi Police Station
Designed by Smoke Architecture, the new Naskapi Police Station is now located at the entrance of the community. The NPF Department is responsible for overseeing the project.

CLSC Staff residence
Designed by Bruser, the CLSC staff residence will house workers of the Naskapi CLSC. The residence is situated in the new residential sector.

New Residential Sector
Developed with Smoke Architecture, as the community continues to grow, a new residential sector was developed to create more housing units. Due to the fast-paced growing environment, each lot was decreased in size to fit more housing units per sector.

New Housing construction
A total of 10 units were built. 2 duplex units plus 6 single housing units.

In the fiscal year under review, significant investments were made to the Nation’s Housing Program.
The Nation applied to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Affordable Housing Project – National Housing Co-investment Fund to offset the costs of constructing six single-family units and two duplexes. The application was successful and $4,656,000 in funding was secured. The balance of the construction cost was accessed from the Nation’s Capital Program.
As part of Canada’s Budget 2022 housing investments for Indigenous self-government and modern treaty partners, the Nation secured funding from Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada in an amount of $22,313,260 over five years (fiscal years 2022-2023 to 2026-2027). The funding will be combined with the Nation’s Capital Program and used to prepare new residential lots, construct new housing, and undertake major remediation works to address the issue of mold in the crawl spaces of previously identified houses.
Social Housing Program
In 2022-2023, 2 duplex units and 6 single home units were allocated under the Social Housing program, giving 10 families a place to call home. 2 of the single units were built to fit families, elders, or others for accessibility requirements.
All the funds for these housing builds were funded through the Rapid Housing Program. A two-year program Nation applied.
Rent-to-Own Program
The Nation launched a pilot Rent-to-Own program in early 2019, offering homeownership for working families. Tenants are selected based on their payment capacity. At the end of the 25-year lease, a Naskapi beneficiary will be the owner of the house.
The introduction of the Rent-to-Own program allows the Nation to accelerate the growth of the housing stock, as costs are shared between tenants and the Nation. Families eligible under the Rent-to-Own program are highly encouraged to apply, in order to reallocate their social housing units to families in need.
In 2022-2023, 0, single-family houses were allocated under the Rent-to-Own program, as housing applied under the Rapid Housing program was applied and funded and prioritized.
Housing Committee
The Housing Committee executes the Nation’s mission to provide adequate housing that meets health and safety standards for community members.
The Housing Committee is responsible for the safe, effective, and fair operation of housing initiatives.
The Housing Committee embodies the Housing Policy in that it has the duty to defend it and to ensure it is fairly implemented.
The Housing Committee is a recommending body. The Housing Committee makes recommendations based on information provided by community members and housing staff. These recommendations need to be approved by the Council to come into effect.

ᐛᐱᓄᑕᐤ (Uapenutau) Garage
Uapenutau Garage works closely with DPW to continue with the infrastructure of our community
In 2021-2022 we have aided in the civil works in several projects.
- HB16 Excava8on and backfilling of
- 6 single units
- 2 duplexes
- New police station
- New living station
- Gagnon pit
Rock crushing was contracted out to Michael Miller Inc. in the production of several aggregates. Uapenutau takes care of all deliveries of materials to several clients and to the Nation’s projects.
- Resurfacing of some bad spots on Iron Arm Road.
- Geotechnical studies done
- Cultural site
- Mix-use building
- New nurse residence
- Snow removal/maintenance of MTQ and local roads.

Gas Bar
Permanent Employees
- Louise-Ati Mameanskum, Gas Bar Manager
- Patricia-Louise Einish, Gas Bar Attendant
- August 17, 2022 – Michelle Guanish was hired
- Hired Seasonal Gas Bar Attendant in September 2023: – Jeanne Quiscappio
Items of Note
- April 28, 2023 – Gas Discount for Goose Break
- September 7-12, 2023 – Shortage on Gas

Sports, Recreation, and Leisure Services
Kawawachikamach Sports and Recreation Services’ mission is to provide a wide variety of physical and wellness activities for the members through developing and implementing their programs to promote a well-balanced and active lifestyle whilst being accessible amongst community members.
Our priority is delivering programs to include community growth and healthy active living through planning, organizing, and implementing fun activities, elite development programs, and active leisure experiences for the Naskapi Nation.
The department works with other local entities including the CLSC, JSMS, and other Nation departments which include professional nurses and kinesiologists, nutritionists, volunteer coaches, cultural educators, and much more.
Currently, there are 23 team staff and local volunteer coaches working together to bring programs for social growth and community connections for all members of all ages.
John Pien Memorial Gymnasium
Activities are offered every night of the week at the John Pien Memorial Gymnasium including the workout room. These activities include the after-school program with the NCC, a variety of sports and training for kids and youth, including the following;
- CrossFit training sessions hosted by the Naskapi Police Force
- Full access workout room for strength training, yoga, and cardio offered by full-time Trainer and attendant on-site or as needed
- Local tournaments include dodgeball, volleyball, and basketball
- Sports training includes Volleyball, Basketball, or Badminton run by volunteer trainers and/or recreation workers.

Shinapest Tooma Memorial Arena
Open all year round, both summer and winter sports programs are offered for all ages to participate in whilst prioritizing the School and Minor Ice Hockey Training programs in the winter season for the kids and youth. Other activities included are;
School Ice Hockey Development Program: Operated in collaboration with the Recreation Coaches, The PDHE Program offered for and by JSMS school is an Ice Hockey Development training program for students in grade 2 to grade 11 and consists of 5 groups training twice a week from Monday to Friday during school hours. Training is done by Recreation through their Volunteers program.
Nomads Minor Ice Hockey Program: An advanced training program run by Recreation and currently consists of 5 teams, Novice (7-8 years), Atoms (8-9 years), Pee Wee (10-11 years), Bantam (12-14 years) and Midgets (15-17 years). Team practices are twice per week per level.
- Ice Hockey League
- Local Tournaments include Ice Hockey, Hockey Bottine, Broomball, and Ball Hockey.
- Open hours for Family Activities

Kawawachikamach Softball Field
Operational from mid-June to mid-October, Recreation hosts training sessions for the youth and softball tournaments including the annual end-of-the-year softball tournament and home run derby’s.
Weekly practices are held for kids and youth and additional training equipment is planned to be purchased including a new softball pitching machine, gloves, bats, helmets, and more.

In February 2023, our Nomads Pee Wee and Midget teams were invited to play at the Whapmagostui Cree Nation Invitational Tournament.
The Naskapi Nomads midget team was invited to participate in an invitational minor Ice Hockey tournament this season at the Cote-Nord Regionals Championships in April 2023 at Baie Comeau, Quebec.
In April 2023, Pee Wee and Midget went to participate in Manawan’s 31st Edition Minor Ice Hockey Tournament in Trois-Riveres, Quebec.
We would like to congratulate two female athletes, Sara Ann Pien Chemaganish and Georgia Ann Pien Mameanskum, from our minor hockey program who were selected to represent the Quebec region at the National Indigenous Ice Hockey Championship- female division in Mebertou, Nova Scotia.
Furthermore, both female athletes were also selected to participate in the Quebec Provincial Dodge Cup Ice Hockey Championship – the female division in Rimouski, Quebec. In addition, the Nomads Minor Hockey head coach had the opportunity to be selected to coach the female team at this event.
In collaboration with Volleyball Canada and Hockey Canada organizations, Coaching and Referee training have been offered and will continue to be offered annually.
We are proud of all our athletes. Keep it up!

Community Center/Organizing Committee
Community Events
During the fiscal year of 2022-2023, the Recreation/Community Events committee organized events such as Halloween, Christmas/New Year’s bash for kids and a separate New Year’s Bash for High School and up, Naskapi day, Cultural Week, March Break activities with the kids, Easter activities, and Aboriginal day!
Naskapi Community Centre
The Naskapi Community Centre is responsible for rentals such as community events, work, and public meetings, Palais de Justice court rentals for both Kawawachikamach and Schefferville, fundraisers, and other personal rentals by community members.
The building also has a Youth Centre, Multi-Purpose Room, and Culture room for rentals such as Summer Day Camp, teen nights, sewing, and other cultural activities. There are 6 employees working at the Community Centre (a Manager, a Janitor, two Afterschool Program animators, and two Youth Animators). The animators organize activities for the youth after school and youth animators are responsible to help them or have other activities planned each month.
Kawawachikamach Community Events has newly elected committee members for the year 2022-23 (Louise Mameanskum-Andre, Edward Shecanapish, Willie Mameanskum, and Lianne Chemaganish).
Recreation Facility
The game room has been continuing activities throughout the year such as:
- Movie nights for kids
- Teen nights
- Arts and crafts
- Holidays activities
The building went under construction, replacing filters to help maintain the pool
This year was a recertification year for Lifeguards, every 2 years the lifeguards have to redo their exams to be certified lifeguards.
NRF employees have been collaborating more with different departments with activities and events.

Wellness Center
Activities 2022-2023
April 2022
- Mylo Smith Zoom comedy show
- Visit from healers/ Workshops
May 2022
- Mental health Week
- Visit from maxin Poulin Gospel singers/trauma workshops
- Elders lunch
July 2022
- Pride Week
- Healers/Workshops
August 2022
- Healer and helper preparing for ceremonies
September 2022
- Healers/workshops
- Gaia Wellness
- Elders’ lunch and Halloween activities
- Manishan Private Treatment Centre
- Wayne Rabbitskin Mens retreat-land base
- Elders Christmas lunch
- Activities for Adults and Youth (Chase the Santa and his crew)
- Healers/Workshops
- Elders lunch

Men’s Shelter
The Naskapi Men’s shelter opened temporarily on November 16, 2022, for services to men who are homeless and have nowhere to stay in the community and don’t have housing.
Jimmy Peter Einish worked on implementing policies and house rules to maintain a good working environment for employees who work at the men’s shelter and the residents who reside there.
5 support workers are working 24 hours a day and they received 2 trainings on safety security and suicide intervention. It’s getting better at this time but we will need more training in the long run that will be recommended from the shelter.
Since it was opened on November 16, 2022, there were 6 men admitted by security public police here and 5 others came by themselves to the shelter. They needed lots of support on their problem with their mental health and trauma issues. 9 men have been admitted by the Naskapi Police and the Security Public since June 2023 but need a lot of help for their mental health and trauma problems.
Jimmy Peter Einish went to 2 conferences: one in Montreal, Dialogue for Life, and took 2 men with me. This was in December of 2022. They attended workshops relating to suicide intervention. The other conference was in May 2023. This was in Sept-Iles I also went with 2 men. They found it interesting to attend the gathering they participated in the men’s circle. They also shared the issues in their lives.

Kathleen Tooma’s Beautiful Dawn Center
The women’s shelter of Kawawachikamach is in operation 24 hours, 7 days a week. It serves the women and their children of our community who face all types of violence. The Shelter is a nonprofit organization. Indigenous Services Canada funds its operation budget.
We have a staff of 7 full-time staff and 1 short-term cultural project employee Louise Shecanapish. Staff are as follows; Shelter Director-Cheyenne Vachon, Residential Councillor-Marianne Chescappio, Outreach Coordinator Ashley Guanish, and support staff; Annie Chescappio, Annie Shecanapish, Maryann Sandy, and Marie-Josee Guanish. As well as 6 replacements we use on a needed basis. In December 2022, we had 2 staff that transitioned into other jobs. January 2023, we hired Isabelle Shecanapish as a replacement to help the Shelter Director and help with the outreach role with another support staff.
We offer in-house client care and out-of-house client care. Services we have offered are;
- Safety, Shelter, food, and clothing.
- Accompaniment to appointments
- Individual counseling
- Art Therapy
- Healing Circles
- Drumming
- Sweat Lodge Ceremonies
- Full Moon Ceremonies
- Referrals to CLSC for referrals for detox, treatment, psychotherapy, and psychologists, as well as for legal and medical needs
- Elder visits
- Cultural teachings
- Workshops such as Life Skills, Healthy Communication, Non-violence, Healthy Sexuality
Events we have done in the community are;
- Annual fishing Derby for women
- Women Gala -recognizing women of our community for their skills, talents, and other areas.
- Nutritionist visits – healthy cooking
- Truth and reconciliation – Every Child Matters event
- MMIWG2S Activity and awareness
- Suicide Prevention Awareness
- NAAW activity and awareness
- Monthly meals with women
- Monthly Meal for Men
- Sharing circles
- Drumming
- Themed sober nights for adults – 80’s Night
- Raise awareness of medical illnesses such as Breast Cancer, Mental illness
Shelter strives to help women through empowerment; helping them feel comfortable, and confident in seeking and reaching out for help. We raise awareness of all types of violence through prevention and interventions with the help of other service providers in our community.

Based on the data that is recorded by the Naskapi Police Force, it shows the number of calls and criminal activity is decreasing in the community of Kawawachikamach. Based on my observations there are fewer party houses in the community, individuals seeking treatment, and less intoxication on the streets.
- More prevention;
- More awareness;
- More resources;
- COVID-19 lockdowns;
- And COVID-19.

The graph shows that in 2022/2023 the number of calls is decreasing.
The graph shows that the numbers are slightly dropping but numbers are alarming and a concern to the department (ratio: 1 in 5 calls).
Ratio stays the same (half the calls are still alcohol and drug-related).
The above graph shows that attempted suicides are still alarming to the department (Ratio: 1 in 16 calls).
Mental health is becoming an issue (ratio: 1 in 7 calls).
Substance (alcohol/and drug-related) is still an issue with criminal files (75%).
Fire Department
Naskapi Fire Department participated in the 31st Annual Quebec Aboriginal Firefighters Competition that took place in Kahnawake, QC. Team Naskapi consisted of all women competing in an all-male-dominated regional competition. They placed 4th place out of 7 teams. Lots of media to meet with Team Naskapi.
Naskapi Fire Department and Naskapi Police Force organized their 4th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting and Santa Claus visit at the Naskapi Police station. Approximately 110 children showed up for treats, gifts, and pictures with Santa.
Naskapi Junior Firefighters Camp took place during the March Break in Kawawachikamach. The two-day camp consisted of military discipline, fitness training, and basic firefighting skills. Target age group 5 and up; and we had 39 participants on the first day and 43 participants on the second day.
The Naskapi Junior Firefighters Challenge took place after the two-day camp and the participants from the camp were able to participate in the Challenge and showcased their knowledge of fitness, firefighting skills, and dedication.
- Top Firefighter – Evan Nattawappio
- Fittest Firefighter – Hayden Tooma
- Dedicated Firefighter – Jimmy Coon Come
International Women’s Day – Team Naskapi was recognized by Quebec in “Fire Safety” on March 8, 2023.
Annual Budget 2022/2023
Purchased the following:
2 Kenwood portable radios with mic
4 Kenwood batteries to replace old batteries on portable radios
4 sets of bunker gear