A Referendum to Seek Elector Approval of By-law No. 561 (being a by-law respecting elections for Chief, Deputy Chief, and Councillors of the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach and Repealing By-laws Nos 95 and 100) to be held on 1, 2, 3, and 6 November 2023 at the Naskapi Community Centre from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. each day.


Under section 64 of the Naskapi and Cree-Naskapi Act (“NCNA”), the band may make by-laws respecting the election of and term of office of its council members.

According to section 66(1) of the NCNA, a by-law made under section 64, or any amendment thereto or repeal thereof, 

  1. Does not come into force until it has been approved by
  1. The electors of the band at a special band meeting or referendum at which at least twenty percent (20%) of the electors voted on the matter
  2. The Minister (of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada).

Following a community survey and public consultations, and in preparation for the 2024 general election, the Council recently adopted By-law 561 (the “Updated Electoral By-law”), which contains the following updates: 

  1. Separate Ballot for Deputy Chief Election: a dedicated ballot for electing the Deputy Chief to ensure that the Naskapi electors can vote for their preferred candidates for both Chief and Deputy Chief positions. 
  1. Full-Time Employment Positions for the Chief and Deputy Chief: to address the increasing scope and complexity of political and socio-economic initiatives of the Nation.  
  1. Council Composition Increase from six to seven members: for the same reason stated in (2) above. 
  1. Ballot: allowing “a mark” on the ballot, rather than just an “X”. 
  1. Electronic voting: to make voting more accessible to Naskapi electors, electronic voting systems could be used as an alternative to early voting and travelling polls. An Electronic voting by-law would be enacted to ensure that electronic polls are conducted using a reputable, proven, and secure online platform. 

The above changes are highlighted in the Updated Electoral By-law, a copy of which is below.

The proposed changes are highlighted.

There will be separate ballot questions for each of the five proposed changes.  If a ballot question is approved by a majority of the electors required to vote on the matter, that item will remain in the Updated Electoral By-law.  If a ballot question is not approved by a majority of the electors required to vote, that item will be removed from By-law No. 561.   


WHEREAS the Nation, formerly known as the Naskapi Band of Quebec, acting through its Council at a meeting of the Council held in Kawawachikamach on the 29th Day of March 1993, enacted By-Law No. 95 respecting elections for Chief and Councillors of the Naskapi Band of Québec pursuant to Section 64 of the Cree-Naskapi (of Québec) Act; 

WHEREAS the Nation, formerly known as the Naskapi Band of Quebec, acting through its Council at a meeting of the Council held in Kawawachikamach on the 7th day of September, 1993, enacted By-Law No. 100, being a by-law to amend By-Law No. 95 respecting elections for Chief and Councillors of the Naskapi Band of Québec; 

WHEREAS the Nation wishes to consolidate By-Law No. 95 and By-Law No. 100 in one By-Law; 

WHEREAS the Nation wishes to amend certain sections of By-Law No. 95 and By-Law No. 100; 

NOW THEREFORE, the Nation, acting through its Council at a meeting of the Council held in Kawawachikamach on the 20th day of October 2023 hereby enacts the present By-Law 561, being a by-law respecting elections for Chief, Deputy Chief and Councillors of the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach:


  1. The terms used herein shall have the same meanings as in the Naskapi and Cree-Naskapi Commission Act (hereinafter called the “Naskapi Act”), save that in this By-law,

“Nation” means Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach;

“Council” means the Council of the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach;

“Election” means an election under the Naskapi Act for all or any of the chief, deputy chief and councilors of the Nation.


  1. There shall be seven positions of council member of the Nation, consisting of one position of chief, one position of deputy chief, and five positions of councilor.


  1. Subject to the Naskapi Act, the term of office of chief, deputy chief, and councilors shall be three years or until the next general election.
  2. The office of chief and the office of deputy chief constitute full-time positions. 


  1. The Returning Officer shall supervise the conduct of elections in accordance with the Naskapi Act and this By-Law.
  2. The Deputy Returning Officer and Assistant Returning Officer(s) may exercise such functions and fulfil such duties as are assigned to them by the Returning Officer, subject to the general supervision and direction of the Returning Officer. However, the duties and functions of the Returning Officer stated in Sections 44 to 46 inclusive of this By-Law shall be carried out only by the Returning Officer.


  1. The Council shall call an election by resolution. The resolution shall state the purpose of the election, whether general or otherwise, and shall fix the time and place within Category IAN lands of the election. If the resolution so provides:
  • there may be a travelling poll or polls at the place(s) outside of Category IA-N lands and           time(s) provided therein; 
  • there may be an advance poll within Category IA-N lands at the time provided therein; and
  • If an Electronic Voting by-law is in force, there may be an electronic poll at the time provided therein.  

7. In the event the Returning Officer calls an election in conformity with sub-section 77(1) of the Naskapi Act, the Returning Officer shall fix the time and place of the election and shall also determine whether there shall be an advance poll, electronic poll, and travelling poll(s) and the time(s) and place(s) thereof.


8. Where an election is to be held, the Returning Officer shall prepare and sign an electoral

list that sets out the names, in alphabetical order, and the dates of birth of the electors of the Nation. A person otherwise entitled to be an elector who is not 18 years of age on the date an election is called but who shall turn 18 years of age on or prior to the date fixed for the principal poll for an election shall be entitled to be on the electoral list for the purpose of voting in the election.

9. (a)   The Returning Officer may, on application of an elector, revise an electoral listto add the name and date of birth of an elector whose name has been omitted from the list, correct the name or date of birth of an elector whose name or date of birth has been incorrectly set out or delete the name and date of birth of a person who is not an elector.

(b)  The Returning Officer may, on his own initiative, correct any clerical errors in an electoral list.

(c)   The Returning Officer shall initial each revision and correction made to an electoral list pursuant to subsection (a) or (b), as the case may be.


10. Where an election is to be held, the Returning Officer shall post a notice in English and in Naskapi, signed by him, in the office of the Nation and in one or more other prominent places in Category IA-N lands, in the form substantially as provided in Schedule 1 hereto, at least twenty-five days prior to the date fixed for the election, and indicating whether any travelling or electronic or advance polls are to be held and the time(s) and place(s) of such polls. The Returning Officer shall also indicate in such notice that a meeting of electors for the purpose of nominating candidates shall be held within ten days after the posting of such notice at a time and a place within Category IA-N lands determined by the Returning Officer (unless provided for in the resolution of Council) and indicated in such notice.

  1. A copy of the electoral list shall be attached to the notice referred to in Section 10 hereof.


  1. Candidates may be nominated at a nomination meeting of Naskapi electors or may be nominated in writing.
  2. A nomination in writing shall be signed by at least four Naskapi electors and shall be filed with the Returning Officer prior to the commencement of the nomination meeting. A written nomination must be accepted in writing by the candidate. The written nomination shall be substantially in the form of Schedule 2 hereto.
  3. A nomination at the nomination meeting shall require a proposer and two seconders who must be electors and in order to be valid, the candidate must be present and accept such nomination.
  4. The Returning Officer shall declare nominations closed one and one-half hours after the nomination meeting has commenced. However, if within one-half hour after the meeting has commenced, a sufficient number of nominations have been received to fill all offices open for election, the Returning Officer may thereafter declare nominations closed after asking for further nominations and receiving none.
  5. After nominations have been declared closed, if there have been an insufficient number of candidates nominated to fill all offices open for election, the Returning Officer shall, within the following two days, convene another nomination meeting to receive nominations for those remaining offices for which candidates have not been nominated and the provisions of Part VIII of this By-law shall apply mutatis mutandis. 
  6. After nominations have been declared closed,
  • in the case of the office of chief, should there be only one nomination for chief, 
  • In the case of the office of deputy chief, should there be only one nomination for deputy chief; and
  • in the case of the office(s) of councillor, should the number of nominations be equal to or less than the number of offices of councillor open for election, the Returning Officer shall declare those candidates nominated to be elected by acclamation to the offices for which they were respectively nominated.
  • In the case of the office of chief and deputy chief, there shall be a poll if more than one candidate for such office has been nominated; and in the case of the office(s) of councillor, there shall be a poll if the number of candidates for councillor nominated exceeds the number of offices of councillor open for election.


  1. If there is to be a poll, the Returning Officer shall forthwith post a notice of poll in English and in Naskapi, signed by him in the office of the Nation and in one or more other prominent places in Category IA-N lands indicating the names of the candidates in the election. The notice shall be substantially in the form of Schedule 3 hereto.


  1. Each elector shall have one vote for the office of chief, one vote for the office of deputy chief and as many votes for the office of councillor as there are offices of councillor being contested in the election.
  2. The Returning Officer shall procure a sufficient number of ballots for the poll. There shall be three kinds of ballots: a ballot for the office of chief, a ballot for the office of deputy chief and a ballot for the office of councillor. The ballots shall be in English and Naskapi. The ballot for the office of chief and deputy chief shall be substantially in the form of Schedule 4 hereto. The ballot for the office of councillor shall be substantially in the form of Schedule 5 hereto. The Returning Officer shall procure a recent photograph of the face of each candidate in the election to be reproduced on the ballot as indicated on Schedules 4 and 5 hereto. The ballots shall be of a size and material to be determined by the Returning Officer. 
  3. The Returning Officer shall procure a ballot box and may procure one or more additional ballot boxes for one or more travelling polls if he considers this necessary. He shall ensure that throughout the election, the ballot boxes shall not be tampered with.
  4. Each ballot box shall be furnished with a lock to enclose its contents. It shall be constructed so that ballots can be deposited therein but cannot be withdrawn without unlocking the box. Each ballot box shall remain locked until the Returning Officer attends to the counting of the votes pursuant to Part XIII hereof.
  5. The Returning Officer shall ensure that where the poll is to be held, a compartment is provided for the voters for the purposes of marking their ballots in secrecy. Subject to section 31 hereof, no person other than the voter shall be allowed to enter such compartment or be in a position from which he can see how a voter marks his ballot(s).
  6. The hours of voting shall be those designated in the notice provided for in Section 10 hereof provided that, with the exception of advance, electronic, and travelling polls, at least eight consecutive hours of voting are available between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
  7. The Returning Office shall be responsible for ensuring that order is maintained at the poll and may request the assistance of a police constable or constables to ensure that the poll is peaceably conducted. Such constable shall take the necessary measures, at the request of the Returning Officer, to ensure that order is maintained, including the expulsion of any person not entitled to be present at the poll.
  8. When an elector presents himself at the poll to vote, the Returning Officer shall give the elector one ballot for the office of chief, if the office of chief is being contested, one ballot for the office of deputy chief, if the office of deputy chief is being contested,  and one ballot for the office of councillor, if one or more of the offices of councillor are being contested.
  9. The Returning Officer shall initial each ballot upon handing it to the elector. The Returning Officer shall keep a record of the number and kind of ballots he has handed to electors.
  10. An elector shall indicate his vote for the office of chief by placing a mark on the ballot in the box beside the name of the candidate of the elector’s choice. An elector shall indicate his vote for the office of deputy chief by placing a mark on the ballot in the box beside the name of the candidate of the elector’s choice. An elector shall indicate his vote or votes for the office or offices of councillor by placing a mark on the ballot for councillor in the box(es) beside the name(s) of the candidate(s) of the elector’s choice. The number of marks placed on a ballot for councillor must be equal to the number of offices of councillor that are being contested. The foregoing shall be explained to each elector by the Returning Officer when he hands the ballot(s) to the elector.
  11. The Returning Officer shall enter on a list the name of each elector to whom he has given the ballot(s).
  12. The Returning Officer, upon the application of any voter who is incapacitated by blindness or other physical cause from voting in the manner prescribed by section 29 hereof, shall assist such elector by marking the ballot(s) of such elector in the manner directed by such elector. A voter who has declared that he is unable to vote without assistance because of blindness or other physical cause and who is accompanied by a relative or friend may request that such relative or friend be authorized, instead of the Returning Officer, to accompany him to assist such elector in voting.
  13. Any ballot damaged by an elector shall be replaced by the Returning Officer and any ballot taken by an elector but not used shall be marked by the Returning Officer with the word “damaged” or “declined”, as the case may be. All such damaged or declined ballots shall be maintained by the Returning Officer.
  14. (a) After marking a ballot, an elector shall forthwith return the ballot to the Returning

Officer who shall verify, without attempting to see how the elector voted, whether the ballot has been initialed by the Returning Officer. Unless the ballot is marked by the Returning Officer “declined” or “damaged” in accordance with section 32, the Returning Officer to whom the ballot is returned shall request the elector who returned the ballot to deposit it in the ballot box.

  1. An elector who, after receiving a ballot from the Returning Officer, leaves the polling station without returning the ballot to the Returning Officer and depositing it in the ballot box shall be considered to have voted. Where such an elector later returns a ballot to the Returning Officer, the Returning Officer shall mark the word “declined ” on the back of the ballot and shall maintain it.
  2. An elector who is inside the polling station at the time determined for the closing of the poll and who is otherwise entitled to vote shall be entitled to vote before the polling station is closed.
  1. In the case of extraordinary circumstances, or a force majeure, the Returning Officer may declare that the election will not be held or will not be concluded at the time provided and shall be delayed for a period not exceeding seven days. In such a case, the provisions of Parts IX and X of this By-law shall apply mutatis mutandis to such election.
  2. No Returning Officer, Deputy Returning Officer or Assistant Returning Officer shall divulge any information received by him with respect to the conduct of the election or the performance of his duties, except pursuant to this By-law or in the case of the contestation of an election, as provided for in the Naskapi Act.


  1. An advance poll may be held within Category IA-N lands prior to the day fixed for the principal poll. An elector may vote at the advance poll if he declares to the Returning Officer when he presents himself at the advance poll, that he will not be present in Category IA-N lands on the day of the principal poll.
  2. Travelling polls may be conducted, prior to the date of the principal poll, outside of Category IA-N lands for the benefit of electors who are outside of Category IA-N lands and are unable to vote at the advance or principal polls.
  3. The procedures described in Parts X and XIII of this By-Law shall apply mutatis mutandis to such advance or travelling polls save that the counting of the votes cast at advance and travelling polls shall not be done until the principal poll has been terminated.
  4. An electronic poll may be held prior to the date of the principal poll. 

39.1     The Returning Officer will ensure that the electronic poll is conducted using a reputable, proven and secure online platform and in conformity with the Electronic Voting by-law.  

39.1     The Returning Officer will ensure that the electronic poll is conducted using a reputable, proven and secure online platform and in conformity with the Electronic Voting by-law.  

39.2     The Returning Officer will also ensure that electors are informed of the online platform’s authentication rules.

39.3    Electronic voting may be suspended by the Returning Officer if the Returning Officer considers that the integrity of the voting is at risk. The Retuning Officer must then make all reasonable efforts to ensure the integrity of the election is not compromised.


  1. A special poll may be held in Category IA-N land for electors with a disability who, because of a disability, are confined to their residence in Category 1A-N land and cannot or should not attend the principal poll to vote. An elector may vote in the special poll if:
  1. the elector causes to be delivered to the Nation Office on Category IA-N lands at least ten days prior to the date of the principal poll a notice addressed to the Returning Officer substantially in the form of Schedule 6 hereto signed by the elector or, if the elector is unable to sign, signed by a relative of the elector on his behalf indicating the elector’s desire to vote in the special poll; and
  2. there is attached to such notice a certificate signed by a medical doctor or registered nurse certifying that because of the elector’s disability, the elector cannot or should not leave his residence to vote at the principal poll.
  3. The special poll shall be carried out between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. on the day immediately prior to the day fixed for the principal poll. The Returning Officer shall conduct the special poll for all electors with a disability who have complied with section 39 by attending at the respective residences of the infirm electors in Category IA-N lands to secure their votes.
  1. The procedures described in Parts X and XIII of this By-Law shall apply mutatis mutandis to the special poll save that the counting of the votes cast at the special poll shall not be done until the principal poll has been terminated.
  1. If there is no response at the residence of an elector with a disability when the Returning Officer attends there at any time during the hours specified in section 40 or should the Returning Officer within ten minutes after entering the residence of the elector with a disability not be able to have the elector with a disability cast his vote(s), the elector with a disability shall lose his right to vote in the special poll and the Returning Officer shall make note thereof on a list to be maintained by the Returning Officer for such purposes.


  1. Any candidate may appoint in writing up to three persons to act as his scrutineer to sit with the Returning Officer at the poll during the time fixed for voting. A candidate may appoint himself as one of the said three scrutineers. At any one time during the time fixed for voting not more than one scrutineer for any candidate may sit with the Returning Officer. Any candidate may appoint in writing one person to act as his scrutineer during the counting of the votes. In addition, a candidate may himself attend during the counting of the votes.
  2. The Returning Officer shall attend to the counting of the votes forthwith when the time fixed for the holding of the principal poll has ended. The Deputy-Returning Officer and Assistant Returning Officer(s) may also attend if the Returning Officer so chooses. The only other persons who may be in attendance during the counting of the votes are the candidates themselves and the scrutineers of the candidates appointed for such purpose in accordance with section 43.
  3. The Returning Officer, in the presence of any scrutineers appointed by the candidates, shall attend the counting of the votes forthwith when the time fixed for the holding of the principal poll has ended.
  4. In counting the votes, the Returning Officer shall reject and mark thereon the word “rejected”:
  • every ballot which has not been supplied by him:
  • Every ballot which does not have his initials thereon;
  • every ballot upon which there is a mark or writing by which the voter could be identified;
  • every ballot which has not been marked in the manner provided in section 29 hereof.
  1. An official election report shall be prepared by the Returning Officer of the results of the election. The official election report shall be substantially in the form of Schedule 7 hereto. The Returning Officer shall sign such report and shall request all scrutineers to do the same. With the exception of the ballots not returned to the Returning Officer, the Returning Officer shall place all the ballots used in the election in separate envelopes marked appropriately in accordance with each of the applicable categories identified in Schedule 7.
  2. The Returning Officer shall declare to be elected forthwith after the counting of the votes the persons elected to office in accordance with section 48.
  3. (a) Where a poll is held for the position of chief, the candidate for the position who received the largest number of votes shall be elected chief.

(b) Where a poll is held for the position of deputy chief, the candidate for the position who received the largest number of votes shall be elected deputy chief.

(c) Where a poll is held for one or more positions of councillor, the candidate or candidates, to the number corresponding to the number of positions of councillor being contested, who receive(s) the largest number of votes shall be elected councillor(s).

  1. If two or more candidates for the office of chief each receive the same number of votes, and no other candidate for such office receives a greater number of votes, the Returning Officer shall hold a new poll for the office of chief, within the next twenty-eight days, and such two or more candidates shall be the only candidates in such election. The provisions of Parts IX, X, XII and XIII of this By-Law shall apply mutatis mutandis, except that the infirm electors who gave the Returning Officer a notice in compliance with section 39 for the first poll shall be deemed to have complied with section 39 for purposes of the new poll.
  2. If two or more candidates for the office of deputy chief each receive the same number of votes, and no other candidate for such office receives a greater number of votes, the Returning Officer shall hold a new poll for the office of deputy chief, within the next twenty-eight days, and such two or more candidates shall be the only candidates in such election. The provisions of Parts IX, X, XII and XIII of this By-Law shall apply mutatis mutandis, except that the  with a disability who gave the Returning Officer a notice in compliance with section 39 for the first poll shall be deemed to have complied with section 39 for purposes of the new poll.
  3. If a candidate for the office of councillor receives the same number of votes as one or more other candidates for the office of councillor, and by reason of such tie, none of them is entitled to be declared elected pursuant to section 48 of this By-Law, the Returning Officer shall, within the next twenty-eight days, hold a new poll for the office(s) of councillor remaining open, and such candidates shall be the only candidates in such election. The provisions of Parts IX, X, XII and XIII of this By-Law shall apply mutatis mutandis, except that the infirm electors who gave the Returning Officer a notice in compliance with section 39 for the first poll shall be deemed to have complied with section 39 for purposes of the new poll.
  4. The Returning Officer shall prepare forthwith a written declaration, signed by him, of the winners of the election, including those declared elected by acclamation, which shall be posted in the office of the Nation and in one or more other prominent places in Category IA-N lands within five days of the conclusion of the counting of the votes. Such declaration shall be substantially in the form of Schedule 8 hereto.
  5. The official election report referred to in Section 46 hereof and the said written declaration of the winners of the election referred to in Section 51 hereof shall be forwarded forthwith to each of the candidates, to the Council, to the Minister, to the Corporation of the Naskapi Village of Schefferville and to the Minister of Municipal Affairs of Quebec.
  6. Any candidate may, within 24 hours of the posting of the declaration made by the Returning Officer pursuant to section 51, demand a recount of the votes regarding the office for which he was a candidate. In such a case, the Returning Officer shall forthwith recount the votes and sections 43 to 52 inclusive of this By-Law shall apply mutatis mutandis thereto.
  7. All materials used in the election, including ballot boxes, ballots and all election lists and reports, shall be safeguarded by the Returning Officer for a period of six weeks after the election.


  1. Repealed.
  2. Repealed. 
  3. The Council may designate, from amongst the councillors, a replacement deputy chief, to act on behalf of the deputy chief in the event of the latter’s temporary absence or temporary incapacity to act.


  1. In the event there is an appointment of a council member at an ordinary Nation meeting in conformity with Sub-section 76(4) of the Naskapi Act, Section 51 hereof shall apply mutatis mutandis and the written declaration referred to in Section 51 shall be sent forthwith by the Returning Officer to the Council, to the Minister, to the Corporation of the Naskapi Village of Schefferville and to the Minister of Municipal Affairs of Quebec.


  1. By-law Nos 95 and 100 are repealed.


  1. The present By-Law comes into force once the following two conditions are met : 
  1. it is approved by the Naskapi electors at a special meeting or referendum at which at least twenty per cent of the electors voted on the matter; 
  2. it is approved by the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, pursuant to Section 66 of the Naskapi act.



I give notice to the electors of the Naskapi NationNation of Quebec that an election has been called for the following offices on the Council of the NationNation, namely:

(here describe the offices open for election – whether chief, deputy chief or councillor(s), or both – and in the case of councillor(s), describe the number of positions open for election).

A meeting of electors to receive nominations of candidates for such offices shall be held at (here describe the place where the nomination meeting is to take place) in Category IA-N lands on the day of 20 commencing at O’clock in the noon.

Nominations in writing may also be submitted to me prior to the commencement of the nomination meeting.

In case a poll becomes necessary, such poll will be (here describe on the day of 20 from the hour of in the morning till in the afternoon at (describe the place where the poll will
be held) in Category IA-N lands. (Add the following paragraph if applicable)

In case a poll becomes necessary, there will be an advance poll on the day of 20 from the hour of in the till in the (describe the place where the advance poll will be held) in Category IA-N lands. (Add the following paragraph if applicable)

In case a poll becomes necessary, there will be a traveling poll (or traveling polls) on the day of 20 from the hour of in the till in the at (describe the place(s) outside of Category IA-N lands
where the advance poll(s) will be held.)

In case a poll becomes necessary, there will be an electronic poll opening on the ………. day of……….20…from the hour of and closing on the …… day of ……20…at the hour of…(describe the online platform where the electronic poll will be held).

Given under my hand at this day of 20   

Returning Officer



We the undersigned, electors of the Naskapi Nation of Quebec, hereby nominate…………………………………….residing at……………………as candidate for the
position of (insert chief, deputy chief or councillor) at the election to be held for the Naskapi Nation of Quebec (insert date).

And we have signed at this day of 20  

Signature Address

Signature Address

Signature Address

Signature Address

Signature Address

I, the said , nominated in the foregoing nomination paper, hereby consent to such nomination.

And I have signed at this day of 20  




Public notice is hereby given that a poll is necessary for the election now pending for the

Naskapi Nation of Quebec and that such poll will be opened on the day of

20 from the hour of in the morning till

in the afternoon at

(describe the place where the poll will be held)

in Category IA-N lands.

(Add the following paragraph if applicable)

There will be an advance poll on the day of 20 from the

hour of in the till in the at
(describe the place where the advance poll will be held) in Category IA-N lands.

(Add the following paragraph if applicable)

There will be a travelling poll(s) on the day of 20…. from the hour

of in the till in the at
(describe the place outside Category IA-N lands where the travelling poll(s) will be held).

In case a poll becomes necessary, there will be an electronic poll opening on the ………. day of……….20…from the hour of and closing on the …… day of ……20…at the hour of…(describe the online platform where the electronic poll will be held).

The persons duly nominated as candidates at such election who have not been declared elected by acclamation and for whom alone votes shall be received are:

Election of Chief

(names of candidates) (addresses of candidates)

Election of Deputy Chief

(names of candidates) (addresses of candidates)

Election of Councillor(s) 

(names of candidates) (addresses of candidates)

Given under my hand at this day of  


Returning Officer




(Insert the date of poll)


 (Insert, in separate boxes and in (Reproduction of a

alphabetical order, family names first photograph of the face

the name of the candidates of the candidate to be

and their date of birth) placed beside his or her

name under this column)

*(the ballot must be prepared in English and in Naskapi)




(Insert the date of poll)

ELECTION FOR (insert the number of positions of the office of councillor to be filled by the election) POSITIONS OF COUNCILLOR

(Insert, in separate boxes and in (Reproduction of

alphabetical order, family name a photograph of the face

first, the names of the candidates of the candidate to be placed

and their dates of birth) beside his or her name under

this column)

(* the ballot must be prepared in English and in Naskapi)




To: Returning Officer of the Naskapi Nation of Quebec

c/o Naskapi Nation of Quebec

Nation Office


I, (here insert the name of the infirm elector) hereby give notice to the Returning Officer that I wish to vote in the special poll because I am infirm and cannot or should not leave my residence to vote in the principal poll which is to be held (here insert the date of the principal poll.)

My residence on Category IA-N lands is at (here insert the house number or otherwise indicate clearly the place of residence of the infirm elector).

I understand that the special poll will take place on (insert here the date which is the day before the date fixed for the principal poll) and that the Returning Officer may attend at my said residence at any time he may choose on such date between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. to obtain my vote in the special poll. I understand that I will lose any right I may have to vote in the special poll if there is no response at my residence when the Returning Officer attends there or should the Returning Officer within ten minutes after entering my residence not be able to have me cast my vote.

Attached to this notice is a certificate signed by (here state the name of the medical doctor or registered nurse) certifying that because of my infirmity, I cannot or should not leave my residence to vote at the principal poll.

Signed this day of 20

(signature of infirm elector, or if he is unable to sign, the signature of a relative of the infirm elector on his behalf. If a relative signs, indicate in printing as well the name of the relative signing)




ELECTION HELD ON (insert the date of the poll)


Number of ballots prepared
Number unused
Number declined
Number damaged
Number rejected
Number not returned to Returning Officer
Number allowed
Number of votes for (name of candidate

Number of votes for (name of candidate)



Number of ballots prepared
Number unused
Number declined
Number damaged
Number rejected
Number not returned to Returning Officer
Number allowed
Number of votes for (name of candidate

Number of votes for (name of candidate)



Number of ballots prepared
Number unused
Number declined
Number damaged
Number rejected
Number not returned to Returning Officer
Number of ballots allowed
Number of votes for (name of candidate

Number of votes for (name of candidate)
Number of votes for (name of candidate)


I hereby certify that the above statement is correct.

Given under my hand at , this day of 20

Returning Officer

The undersigned scrutineers hereby certify that the above statement is correct.

Given under our hands at , this day of 20






I hereby certify that the following persons have been elected to the following offices on the Council of the Naskapi Nation of Quebec.

Names of Persons Elected Office

The Council of the Naskapi Nation of Quebec is now composed of the following persons.

Names of Council Members Office

Given under my hand at this day of


Returning Officer