Public notice is hereby given that a poll is necessary for the election now pending for the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach and that such pol wil be opened on the 12′ day of September 2024 from the hour of 8:00 O’clock in the Forenoon till 6:00 O’clock in the Afternoon in the Community Centre in Category IA-N land.

There will be an advanced poll on the 23 day of August 2024 from 10:00 O’clock in the Forenoon till 6:00 O’clock in the Afternoon in the Community Centre in Category IA-N land.

There will be travelling polls on the 23rd day of August 2024 from 10:00 O’clock in the Forenoon till

5:00 O’clock in the Afternoon in the following locations:

  • Ottawa: Cree Nation Embassy, 81 Metcalfe, Suite 900, Ottawa,
    ON, KIP 6K7
  • Montreal: Cree Nation Embassy, 700 de la Gauchetière West, Suite 1600, Montreal, QC, H3B 5M2;
  • Quebec City: Cree Nation Embassy, 200 Grande
    Allée Est, Quebec, QC GIR 2H9;
  • Sept-lles: office of MNP, 421 avenue Arnaud, bureau 200, Sept-Iles, QC G4R 3B3.

The persons duly nominated as candidates at such election who have not been declared elected by acclamation and for whom alone votes shall be received.

Election of Chief

Dominique, Andy – 170 Chittspattio Road, Kawawachikamach

Einish, Jeremy – 159 Pashene Road, Kawawachikamach

Nattawappio, Louise – 190 Chittspattio Road, Kawawachikamach

Shecanapish, Martha Mary – 16 Naskapi Road, Kawawachikamach

Election of Deputy Chief

Chemaganish, Theresa – 113 Pien Road, Kawawachikamach

Uniam, Nathan – 188 Chittspattio Road, Kawawachikamach

Election of Councillors

Berube, Robert – 163 Pashene Road, Kawawachikamach

Einish, Nigel – 12 Naskapi Road, Kawawachikamach

Guanish, Mary – 128 Laurentide Street, Schefferville

Mameanskum, Christopher-111 Pien Road Kawawachikamach

Mameanskum, Louise (M) -136 Ungava Road, Matimekosh

Mameanskum, Willie-96 Nabinacaboo Road, Kawawachikamach

Pien, Timothy- 146 Shecanapish Road, Kawawachikamach

Sandy, Mike – 135 Shecanapish Road, Kawawachikamach

Shecanapish, Edward -130 Shecanapish Road, Kawawachikamach

Shecanapish, Jimmy -98 Nabinacaboo Road, Kawawachikamach

Shecanapish, Leona -108 Quiscappio Road, Kawawachikamach

Shecanapish, Sandy -308 Barney Street, Schefferville

Shecanapish, William (Billy) -62 Naskapi Road, Kawawachikamach

Swappie, Luke -158 Pashene Road, Kawawachikamach

Swappie, Maggie (M) -70 Guanish Road, Kawawachikamach

Tooma, Ronald -133 Shecanapish Road, Kawawachikamach

Uniam-Einish, Agnes -93 Nabinacaboo Road, Kawawachikamach

Given under my hand at Kawawachikamach, Quebec, this 19th day of July 2024.

John Henry Wapachee

Returning Officer


Cell: (514) 601-4607